
Skeuocard progressively enhances credit card inputs to provide a skeuomorphic interface.

Learn more about the concepts behind the design: "Redesigning The Credit Card Input" by Ken Keiter.

View the Project on GitHub kenkeiter/skeuocard

Either you have Javascript disabled, or you're using an unsupported browser, amigo! That's why you're seeing this old-school credit card input form instead of a fancy new Skeuocard. On the other hand, at least you know it gracefully degrades...

Give it a try.

If you have a recent browser, the credit card input above will be progressively enhanced by Skeuocard. To begin, simply enter your card number (don't worry, it's not sent outside your browser). If that's too fishy for you (and I don't blame you), you can also try these valid credit card numbers to get the feel of it:

Visa: 4111111111111111
Discover: 6011111111111117
MasterCard: 5111111111111118
Maestro: 5018111111111112
JCB: 3511111111111119
Union Pay: 6211111111111111
American Express: 371111111111114
Diners Club: 38111111111119